This Is The New German Tank - Share about war news

Sputnik: Brand New German Tank Showcases Capabilities (Video)

A video has appeared on the Internet showing the capabilities of a new German tank – the MBT Revolution.

The video is said to have been posted on the German group Rheinmetall’s official YouTube channel, according to the website

The vehicle, according to the developers, is planned to become a serious competitor to Armata tanks, however if that is the case it will happen no earlier than 2030.

In fact, this model is a modernized version of the Leopard 2A4 using the modular technology. It should not only replace its predecessor in Germany, but also the Leclerc tank which is in service with the French army.

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WNU Editor: This tank looks like a copy of Russia's Armata tank. But what caught my eye in this report was the admission that it would not be on the scene until 2030!!!! A lot can happen in 14 years.

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