Benghazi Report: U.S. Marines Rescue Was Delayed For 3 Hours Because Washington Could Not Decide On What Uniforms They Should Wear - Share about war news

U.S. Marines and sailors assigned to Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response. Africom

Daily Mail: House GOP Benghazi report – Marines' rescue was delayed because no one could decide whether they should wear uniforms or civvies

* On night of 2012 attacks, government officials whether Marines should wear military or civilian uniforms
* Marines had to change FOUR TIMES in three hours
* The U.S. also failed to scramble military assets in time to stop the attack on the U.S. Benghazi compound
* Top official at Hillary Clinton's State Department said he was sensitive to not diminishing security through overt presence

Add to the litany of failures during the Benghazi attack a serious wardrobe malfunction.

As the Sept. 11th, 2012 attack raged, government officials debated whether U.S. Marines being dispatched should don their military uniforms or wear civilian clothing, according to a new report being released by Republicans on the select Benghazi committee.

The report cites one commander who said as forces got ready to deploy, 'during the course of three hours, he and his Marines changed in and out of their uniforms four times,' NBC reported.

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Update #1: Marines responding to Benghazi were held up by debate on weapons and uniforms, commander says (Marine Times)
Update #2: State worried about Marine uniforms during attack (Politico)

WNU Editor: The U.S. main stream media has moved on with this story .... too bad .... there are still too many embarrassing details on how the administration reacted during (and after) this crisis that should not be ignored. And while (in hindsight) this Marine rescue detachment would never have arrived in time to save these 4 Americans .... the fact is that during this crisis the priority was on what clothes should they wear .... instead of going there .... should give chills to everyone.

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