Russia Accused Of Using The TOS-1A Rocket Launcher 'Blazing Sun' Weapon System In The Battle For Aleppo - Share about war news

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Russia faced accusations last night that it had deployed a weapon that blasts a massive ball of flame across wide areas in Aleppo. Fears are growing that Moscow’s allies are trying to obliterate the opposition enclave in the ruins of the city.

The TOS-1A launcher has been dubbed the “Blazing Sun”. The 24-rocket fusillades it fires cause chemical explosions designed to suck up all the oxygen in the target zone.

Western diplomats last night said they were “reasonably confident” the rocket launcher has been in action in Aleppo. Fires have broken out after multiple explosions since the short ceasefire in the Syrian civil war broke down.

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WNU Editor
: According to activists "White Phosphorous" and bunker busting bombs are also being used .... Putin accused of using firebomb in Aleppo that is 'one step down from a nuclear weapon' (IBTimes)

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