Lebanon's Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addresses his supporters from a screen during a rally to commemorate Hezbollah Wounded Veterans Day in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon May 12, 2016. REUTERS/Aziz Taher
Marc C. Johnson, The Hill: How the Iran deal, Syrian civil war prepares Hezbollah for future of terror
Surveying the conflict in Syria over the last 6-plus years, it’s not hard to find losing parties in the wreckage.
Thousands of innocent children, civilians, doctors, first responders, and journalists fill casualty lists — non-combatant collateral damage. The Syrian Arab Army can’t credibly claim to have “won,” either, as both ISIS and non-ISIS rebel groups are still trying to bring down its regime.
And ISIS itself — belatedly — appears to be losing ground, in no small part thanks to the direct intervention of Russia and Iran.
But one group, Hezbollah, is reaping significant tangible benefits from fighting in Syria. Not that they haven’t been been bloodied. The group has lost an estimated 1,500 fighters since 2011, with more than three times that wounded.
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WNU Editor: The perception is that Hezbollah is benefiting from the Syrian war .... but this conflict is far from over .... and everyday body-bags are being shipped back to Lebanon. If this conflict continues to fester .... and it looks like it will .... Lebanese Shiite "unquestionable" support for the conflict will change .... and probably sooner rather than later.
from War News Updates http://warnewsupdates.blogspot.com/2016/11/a-look-at-how-hezbollah-is-benefiting.html- Share about war news
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