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Christopher Woolf, USA Today/PRI: The risks of war with North Korea in 2018
One of the most serious issues of 2017 has been what to do about North Korea.
In September, Kim Jong Un's regime tested a large nuclear weapon underground, claiming it was a hydrogen bomb.
North Korea also demonstrated this year that it has the missile technology to deliver its warheads pretty much anywhere in the world.
Kim’s regime in Pyongyang has also deployed inflammatory rhetoric, even threatening to bracket the U.S. territory of Guam with missiles.
The Trump administration has responded with threats of its own, raising fears of a war in Northeast Asia.
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WNU Editor: I do not see North Korea initiating hostilities in 2018 .... and if they do, it will be because of sanctions. But because the newest round of sanctions will not truly take effect until two years ago .... there is a window for discussions, and I predict that the North Koreans will take it when they are finally pushed against the wall. I also do not see the South Korean government giving the green-light to launch military strikes against North Korea's nuclear sites anytime soon. Bottom line .... there is going to be no war on the Korean Peninsula this year. But there is going to be a lot of rhetoric and threats.
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