The Tank Of The Future Will Be 30 Tons, Equipped With Artificial Intelligence That Controls Robots And Lethal Weapon Systems - Share about war news

Warror Maven, Scout Warrior: Future Tanks: 30-Tons, Artificial Intel, Commanding Attack Robots

Dispensing with the heavy cannon, munitions and turret alone removes about 20 tonnes from a modern main battle tank

"A future manned node is more than likely to never operate without a phalanx of unmanned or supporting platforms - from drones for sensors, mine / booby trap hunters, long range / reach weapons like missiles, or traditional “air cover” or traditional infantry support"

The idea of armored fighting vehicles dates from before da Vinci and is the latest iteration of the mounted heavy Cavalry and war elephants. The advent of the internal combustion engine made possible vast increases in energy, which in turn, made practical vehicles with more protection and offensive armament.

Balancing off tradeoffs between firepower, mobility, and protection within the confines of a mass limitation of roughly 70 tonnes (the amount most roads and bridges can carry); a form factor that can be readily transported by rail, road, and ship; that adequately protect the occupants is the task of an AFV designer.

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WNU Editor: A smaller armored vehicle without a heavy cannon and turret ?!?!?! That is not a tank.

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