Venezuelan President Maduro Says The Army Is Loyal To Him - Share about war news

RT: Venezuela’s Maduro says military commanders have ‘total loyalty’ amid coup attempt

All military commanders of Venezuela are loyal to the government, President Nicolas Maduro assured amid an attempted military coup, declared by US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido.

Maduro, who is considered an ‘usurper’ by his challenger, said that he had spoken to all senior military officers of the country’s armed forces, who assured him of their “total loyalty to the constitution and to the homeland.” He called on his supporters to mobilize in the face of the latest attempt by Guaido to seize power in Caracas.

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WNU Editor: Venezuela's opposition leaders are on the streets rallying support. President Nicolas Maduro is hunkered in his Presidential Palace on the phone protected by Cuban and Russian security contractors. Who is going to succeed?

More News On Venezuelan President Maduro And His Ministers Saying The Army Is Loyal To The Government

Venezuela's Maduro says he has loyalty of military leaders -- Reuters
'They've Shown Total Loyalty': Maduro Says He Has Spoken With Military Leaders -- Sputnik
Venezuela defense minister says 'act of violence partly defeated' -- Reuters
Venezuela's defence minister rejects 'coup attempt' by Guaido -- Al Jazeera
Venezuelan defense minister says army stands with President Maduro, denounces Guaido as traitor -- RT
Venezuela’s armed forces loyal to Maduro, says defense minister -- TASS
Venezuela will be able to resist US-backed coup, says top diplomat -- TASS

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