Putin's 2020 Calendar Goes On Sale In Russia - Share about war news

CNN: The Putin 2020 calendars appear to portray a kinder, gentler Kremlin leader

Moscow (CNN)In Russia, the release of calendars featuring photos of Russian President Vladimir Putin has become an annual ritual.

In past years, it's been an occasion to showcase the Kremlin leader's carefully managed image as a macho man of action. The calendars often feature the Russian President baring his chest, showing his prowess at the shooting range, or engaged in robust outdoor activities.

This year's versions, however, take a markedly different tone. One focuses largely on images of Putin as an international statesman. No topless photos; the President is instead shown wearing a suit and tie.

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Update: Shirtless Putin is gone. For 2020 calendar, he's the star of the world stage (National Post/Washington Post)

WNU Editor: What amazes me is that Russians are actually buying this calendar.

from War News Updates http://warnewsupdates.blogspot.com/2019/11/putins-2020-calendar-goes-on-sale-in.html- Share about war news
