Are These The 3 Worst Foreign Policy Disasters Of The 2010s? - Share about war news

Daniel R. DePetris, Foreign Policy: The 3 Worst Foreign Policy Disasters of the 2010s

Will Washington be able to dodge similar mistakes in the 2020’s? This is certainly the hope. But if U.S. officials are too afraid to come to terms with their own-goals over the last decade, they are flirting dangerously with failure.

With the year 2019 coming to a close, the world is poised to enter a brand new decade of promise, opportunity, and unpredictability. None of us have a crystal ball; we can only hope that the next stretch of time is peaceful and prosperous, devoid of the kind of superpower conflagrations that defined the Cold War period.

Progress over the next decade will depend in large measure on our ability to avoid the kinds of self-inflicted wounds that can make our lives hell. For the men and women who have the privilege and weighty responsibility of running U.S. foreign policy in the future, avoiding mistakes means looking back in time and recognizing when judgment was poor and when policy errors were made. There is no better time to perform this exercise than at the end of a calendar year.

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WNU Editor: I disagree with number two. No deal was signed, and inspectors were denied access to Iranian military installations long suspected of conducting nuclear research and enrichment. This "agreement" also emboldened Iran to become actively engaged in military operations in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, while green lighting military strikes by their allies against Israel and Saudi Arabia. In short, they have become like Saudi Arabia (as outlined in foreign policy disaster #3), but on steroids.

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