McLaren Speedtail Versus A F-35 Fighter - Share about war news

Driving: New 'Top Gear' trailer features McLaren Speedtail racing F-35 fighter

The hosts are also taking heat for the way they treated some classic French cars in Nepal during the Christmas special

While the old Top Gear hosts are piloting boats up the Mekong River over on Amazon Prime’s The Grand Tour, the new Top Gear hosts are pitting fighter jets against McLarens, bungee-jumping in British cabriolets and ragging on classic French cars in Nepal.

Yup, there should be plenty of motoring shenanigans to watch this year.

In a trailer for the 28th season of Top Gear, hosts Chris Harris, Paddy McGuinness and Freddie Flintoff can be seen performing and/or preparing for all sorts of wild stunts, including lining up a Rover for a bungee jump down the face of a massive dam and racing a McLaren Speedtail against an F-35 fighter jet on an airstrip.

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WNU Editor: The clip of the F-35 vs. a McLaren is at the 31 second mark in the above video. It lasts only a few seconds.

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