U.S. Will Deploy Its New B-21 Stealth Bomber To The Pacific - Share about war news

The B-21 Raider - artist's impression. (U.S. Air Force)

FOX News: Pentagon will deploy its new B-21 stealth bomber to Pacific

The B-21 stealth bomber will be deployed to the Pacific, according to Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs David Helvey.

The Pentagon plans to deploy its emerging B-21 stealth bomber in the Pacific as part of a decided effort to ensure technical superiority, sustain deterrence and, if needed, hold potential adversaries at risk.

The plan, articulated by Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs David Helvey, incorporates the integration of surveillance assets, submarines and what the Pentagon envisions as a new generation of stealth technology contained in the B-21.

“We're making investments to ensure that we maintain operational readiness and strengthen the conventional capabilities that we have that are our enduring advantage such as submarines, the new B-21 Stealth bomber, the P-8 aircraft,” Helvey told reporters June 18, according to a Pentagon transcript.

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