Are Radical Democrats Helping To Re-Elect President Trump? - Share about war news


Aram Bakshian Jr., National Interest: Why Radical Democrats Are Handing the Election to Donald Trump

After so many years of successfully exploiting fear and deception, class resentment and racial tension, much of the Democratic leadership has ideologically overdosed.

A few days ago, as I walked past the boarded-up storefronts of looted shops, pharmacies and liquor stores in an ordinarily peaceful neighborhood of my Washington, DC, home town, I found myself remembering a quote from Dr. John Arbuthnot (1667-1735), a canny Scots physician, scientist, mathematician and polymath. Largely forgotten today, Arbuthnot was one of the leading thinkers of his time. Like most profound thinkers, his ideas have stood the test of time. The quote I recalled, which gives new meaning to the term “gag rule,” certainly applies to the troubled times we are now passing through: “All political parties die at last of swallowing their own poison.”

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WNU Editor: The Republicans know that the Democrats are giving them a winning issue, and they are exploiting it to the hilt .... Trump Dares Biden To Utter 'Antifa' After Feeble Response To Murder And Mayhem (Zero Hedge).

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