CNN Host Explains How President Trump Could Win Re-Election By Pulling Off A ‘Legal And Constitutional’ Win Via Congress - Share about war news


A resurfaced video in which CNN’s Fareed Zakaria explained the “legal and constitutional” way President Trump may be re-elected even after a seeming loss has raised some eyebrows. 

The video, released before the election, showed the columnist for The Washington Post and host of CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” laying out the case on how Trump can remain the president “without actually winning the vote.” 

Democrats and supporters of Democrat nominee Joe Biden, who still has not been certified as the official winner of the 2020 presidential election, expressed concern on social media as the video got fresh attention this week. 

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WNU Editor: This has "somewhat" happened before in a US Presidential election. I refer to US President Hayes' disputed election of 1876 (link here). But will something like this happen in 2020? My answer is no. Most Republican legislators do not have the will or spine to dispute this election.

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