Has The Common Flu Been 'Wiped-Out'? - Share about war news

Fewer people are being struck down by flu than at any time in the past 130 years (file photo) 

 * Experts say bug appears to have been 'almost wiped out' after 95 per cent drop 
 * Week in January saw 1.1 in 100,000 people report flu-like symptoms to their GPs 
 * This compares to five-year average of 27 in what is typically worst time for virus

Fewer people are being struck down by the flu than at any time in the past 130 years. 

Experts say that the bug appears to have been 'almost wiped out' after the number of sufferers plummeted by 95 per cent. 

The second week of January, normally the worst time for the seasonal virus, saw the number of flu-like symptoms reported to GPs at 1.1 per 100,000 people – compared with a five-year average of 27. 

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WNU Editor: One positive side-effect.

from War News Updates http://warnewsupdates.blogspot.com/2021/01/has-common-flu-been-wiped-out.html- Share about war news
