Port Gaston Is A Major U.S. Test Site For Drone And Anti-Drone Technologies - Share about war news


Warzone/The Drive: DoE's Extreme-Security Nevada Test Site Touts The "Ultimate Playground" For Drone Tests  

Video posted on YouTube shows off the unique drone and anti-drone testing facility known as Port Gaston located deep within restricted airspace. 

A video has appeared on the official YouTube channel of the Department of Energy's Nevada National Security Site, or NNSS, that highlights the unique counter-unmanned aerial systems, C-UAS, research being conducted in the remote Nevada desert inside highly secure airspace. It says that the site is the most capable and secure testing facility for UAS and C-UAS platforms, largely through being so isolated. It’s essentially a “blank canvas” in the desert where one can operate and test a wide variety of drone and anti-drone technologies outside of the kinds of oversight applied to other test facilities or areas.  

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WNU Editor: I am sure a lot of cool stuff is happening at this site.

from War News Updates http://warnewsupdates.blogspot.com/2021/06/port-gaston-is-major-us-test-site-for.html- Share about war news
