China Demands Foreign Vessels To Now Report To Its Maritime Safety Administration Before Entering Waters That It Claims In The South China Sea - Share about war news

The reporting system for foreign vessels entering and leaving China’s territorial water was added to the Maritime Traffic Safety Law which was revised in April. From Wednesday foreign ships must report ship ID and cargo information to China’s maritime administrations. Photo: Weibo  

SCMP: South China Sea: China demands foreign vessels report before entering ‘its territorial waters’  

Foreign vessels entering what Beijing deems its "territorial waters" must report to China under maritime regulations meant to strengthen its claims over disputed waters, including the South China Sea.

China's Maritime Safety Administration said that under regulations taking effect on Wednesday, vessels of foreign nationality entering China's territorial seas must report ship and cargo information to China's maritime administrations. 

The reporting requirements applied to submersibles, nuclear vessels, ships carrying radioactive materials, ships carrying bulk oil, chemicals, liquefied gas and other toxic and harmful substances and other vessels that were considered a threat to the country's maritime traffic safety, the administration said in a notice on Friday.  

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Update #1: China to require foreign vessels to report in ‘territorial waters’ (The Hindu)  

Update #2: Starting Sept 1 China Will Require Foreign Vessels To Report In Its "Territorial Waters" (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: This is one of many steps that China is implementing to assert control of the South China sea. This is a shrewd move by China. They know America's attention is elsewhere.

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