Pin-ups For Vets Calendar Released - Share about war news


FOX News: Former Black Hawk helicopter pilot Jana Tobias on posing for Pin-ups for Vets: ‘I still can't believe it's me'  

Jana Tobias is Miss June 2022 in Gina Elise's annual Pin-Up for Vets calendar 

Jana Tobias was eager to suit up in a completely different way. 

The veteran, who served in the Army as a Black Hawk pilot, is one of 12 women who swapped their uniforms and combat boots for ‘40s style dresses and high heels, for the 16th annual Pin-Ups for Vets 2022 calendar. The award-winning nonprofit, founded in 2006 by California resident Gina Elise, raises funding to support hospitalized and deployed troops. 

"I try to follow as many veteran organizations as possible," Tobias told Fox News. "I came across Pin-Ups for Vets on Facebook and I was just intrigued. I’ve always loved the 1940s, not because of the clothes, but really the nose art. I’m in aviation, so that has always fascinated me. It was also a time when our country was going through hardship and war. And yet, we as Americans did whatever was possible to motivate and uplift our troops, so they can keep going. I felt like I could contribute." 

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WNU Editor: Girls want to have fun. Jana Tobias' video is below. 

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