Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness: Joe Biden and the Uses of Nihilism
America is battling an epidemic far worse than the Omicron plague.
Chaos is the new, the intentional, normal. A pandemic of nihilism has been unleashed upon the land. As in Lord of the Flies, when laws, rules, protocols, traditions, and customs are mocked and dismantled, primitive human nature in the raw is unleashed.
Madness now reigns in every quarter, from the iconic to the irrelevant to the fundamental. Statues of Lincoln, Douglas, and Jefferson are toppled or defaced. The rules of capitalization have been altered. We are told that 1619, not 1776, was our founding date—and this by a “civil rights” activist-journalist who had no idea of the date that the Civil War began.
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WNU Editor: This is a pretty good analysis on what is happening in the U.S. right now. This can also be applied to Canada.
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