Cyberwar Now Reaching The Kremlin - Share about war news

Jerusalem Post: Six Russian government websites including Kremlin website down  

After the government of Ukraine has asked for volunteers from the country's hacker underground, 6 Russian government websites including the Kremlins official website are down. Six Russian government websites including Kremlin website down 

After the government of Ukraine has asked for volunteers from the country's hacker underground, 6 Russian government websites including the Kremlins official website are down. 

This occured the government of Ukraine has asked for volunteers from the country's hacker underground to help protect critical infrastructure and conduct cyber spying missions against Russian troops, according to two people involved in the project. However, it is unclear if the two incidents are related.

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Update #1: Official Kremlin Website Down Amid War in Ukraine (Reuters) 

Update #2: Anonymous takes down websites of Defense Ministry, RT and Kremlin (Barents Observer)  

WNU Editor: This cyberwar is definitely going to spread .... Hackers' onslaught on Ukraine stokes fears of global cyberwar (France 24).

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