I will be busy this afternoon organizing relief funds from Montreal for the tens of thousands of refugees now pouring by the hour into Poland and Hungary. The priority for me is medicines (insulin, antibiotics, etc.) and personal protective products. After-all. People still need their meds, and the pandemic is still raging in that part of the world. All of this is being done through the churches, and the Red Cross.
I know what we are doing is a drop in the bucket, but if we do not do it, who will?
On a personal note. I am frustrated that I am only able to post on WNU 10% on what I am learning and hearing as this war continues to rage. There is so much news and information that is not being reported on. The media on all sides are in propaganda mode and pushing a certain narrative, while conditions on the ground are the opposite,. And what is more frightening is no one is reporting on where this is all heading.
Sighhhh ....
There are so many hours in a day, and there is only so much that I can do.
Blogging will return later this evening.
One more thing.
For 8 years on WNU I always posted on my fear that Donbas will escalate into a major war, and what must be done to avoid it. No need to to do that anymore. No one listened, and those who did condemned me on this blog (even today) and elsewhere. And now the war has arrived.
But life goes on, and we must change with the times. This blog included. I will be shifting my focus to what is next, and more specifically, how this war will change everything.
And trust me on this. The geopolitical changes that will come out of this war will be immense.
from War News Updates http://warnewsupdates.blogspot.com/2022/02/editors-note_0191603899.html- Share about war news
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