White House Modeling What A $200 Oil "Shock" Will Look Like - Share about war news

Zero Hedge: White House Is Quietly Modeling For $200 Oil "Shock" 

While the Biden administration is hoping and praying that someone - anyone - will watch the comical "Jan 6" kangaroo hearsay court taking place in Congress and meant to somehow block Trump from running for president in 2024 while also making hundreds of millions of Americans forget that the current administration could very well be the worst in US history, it is quietly preparing for the worst. 

As none other than pro-Biden propaganda spinmaster CNN reports, when it comes to what really matters (at least according to Gallup), namely the economy, and specifically galloping gasoline prices, the White House is in a historic shambles.  

For an administration that ended last year forecasting a leveling off of 40-year high inflation and eager to tout a historically rapid recovery from the pandemic-driven economic crisis, there is a level of frustration that comes with an acutely perilous moment. Asked by CNN about progress on a seemingly intractable challenge, another senior White House official responded flatly: "Which one?"  

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WNU Editor: If we are hitting an oil price around $200/barrel, it is not only the price that is going to impact everyone, but supply. Expect widespread rationing to occur in such a scenario. As for the economy and the cost of living  .... I shudder when I think about that.

from War News Updates http://warnewsupdates.blogspot.com/2022/06/white-house-modeling-what-200-oil-shock.html- Share about war news
