Today Is 'Earth Overshoot Day' When Demand Exceeds The Planet's Yearly Resources - Share about war news

Graph shows the change in date from 1971 to 2022 of Earth Overshoot Day which designates the date when humanity has consumed all natural resources that the Earth can renew in a year  

Daily Mail: We've already 'busted the planet's budget': Earth Overshoot Day is earlier than EVER before due to an overwhelming demand for food, land, timber and new infrastructure in 2022 

* Earth Overshoot Day comes when demand exceeds the planet's yearly resources 

* Humans 'busted Earth's budget' as of Thursday (July 28), earlier than ever before 

* For the rest of the year forests are depleted and CO2 builds up in the atmosphere 

As of today, humans have already used a year's worth of natural resources in 2022 – a calendar event known as Earth Overshoot Day. 

The annual date marks the point at which humanity has used all the biological resources that the Earth can regenerate during that year. 

But in 2022 it's earlier than ever before, largely due to a demand for food, land, timber and new urban infrastructure to cater to a growing population. 

Demand for these resources outstrips the Earth's biocapacity – its ability to renew those resources – meaning we now effectively have gone into overdraft.  

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Update #1: Alarm as Earth hits 'Overshoot Day' Thursday: NGOs (France 24)  

Update #2: Earth Overshoot Day 2022: Humanity has already used its resources for the year (DW)  

WNU Editor: Not having cheap and reliable energy is the impact that the world is now experiencing. Fresh water and affordable food are next.

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