Ukraine Tries To Restore Power And Water After Heavy Russian Military Strikes - Share about war news


ABC News Australia: Kyiv residents holding out as repair teams work to restore power and water after heavy Russian strikes 

Residents of Ukraine's bombed capital clutched empty bottles in search of water and crowded into cafes for power and warmth, switching defiantly into survival mode after new Russian missile strikes a day earlier plunged the city and much of the country into the dark. 

In scenes hard to believe in a city of 3 million, some Kyiv residents resorted to collecting rainwater from drainpipes, as repair teams laboured to reconnect supplies. 

Friends and family members exchanged messages to find out who had electricity and water back. The previous day's aerial onslaught on Ukraine's power grid left many with neither. 

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WNU Editor: This is a losing battle. Once the main parts of the grid have been repaired, Russia follows with more strikes. It is also taking the power companies longer to repair the damage. An indication that they are near the limit on keeping the grid functional.

So why target the grid?

The media is focused on the impact that these strikes are having on the civilian population. But from the Russian position the focus is to knock out the electric grid that feeds the train system. 

Much of Ukraine's railway network runs on electricity. The trains are also vital for the Ukraine military since this is how they move troops and equipment as quickly as they do. Knocking out this transport grid will definitely  limit Ukraine's ability to move its forces.

 Ukraine Tries To Restore Power And Water After Heavy Russian Military Strikes  

Freezing Ukraine gradually restores power after Russian strikes on grid -- Reuters  

Ukraine’s battle to restore power slowed by sub-zero weather conditions -- CNN  

Much of Ukraine still without power, heat and water after missile attacks -- The Guardian  

Fears for all Ukraine’s nuclear plants after emergency shutdowns -- The Guardian 

Striking satellite image reveals extent of Ukraine's power shortage after Russian missile strikes -- SKY News  

Bombed, not beaten: Ukraine’s capital flips to survival mode -- AP 

Inside Russia's attempt to destroy Ukraine "with darkness and cold" -- CBS

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