Iran Releases Chilling Video On How They Would Respond To An Israeli Strike On Its Nuclear Facilities - Share about war news


Daily Mail: Iran threatens to raze Tel Aviv to the ground in chilling video explaining how Tehran would respond to an Israeli strike on its nuclear plant 

* The violent video, posted on Twitter, includes terrifying explosions and missiles 

* It contains a step-by-step process of how Iran would raise Tel Aviv 'to the ground' 

* 11 years ago former president of Iran Khamenei made the same threat to Tel Aviv 

Iran has threatened to raze Tel Aviv 'to the ground' in a chilling video explaining how Tehran would respond to an Israeli strike on its nuclear plant.   

The violent video - shared on Twitter - begins by acknowledging how the Zionist regime conducted 'another joint exercise with the US' to 'simulate an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities'.   

A confident reporter in the video said: 'Let's assume that Israeli jets manage to reach the Natanz nuclear site in one piece, and let's assume that they manage to bomb this site and damage it.  

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WNU Editor: This is a follow-up on Iranian media reports last month on what sites Iran would strike in a war with Israel .... Iran-backed media outlet reveals 'sensitive' sites Iran will strike in war against Israel (Middle East Monitor).

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