Institute for the Study of War Says Ukraine May Be Pausing Counteroffensive - Share about war news

Evening Standard: Ukraine may be ‘pausing counteroffensive’, says Institute for the Study of War 

Think tank says Kyiv’s forces may be temporarily halting their operations to ‘re-evaluate their tactics’ 

Kyiv’s forces may be temporarily halting their counteroffensive operations to re-evaluate their tactics for future operations, according to military experts. 

Estonian Defense Forces Intelligence Center Colonel Margo Grosberg said on 16 June that in his assessment “we won’t see an offensive over the next seven days”. 

The Wall Street Journal similarly reported on 17 June that Ukrainian forces “have mostly paused their advances in recent days” as the command in Kyiv re-examines tactics.  

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WNU Editor: After two weeks of fighting and losing thousands of soldiers and hundreds of pieces of equipment, the only thing that Ukraine has to show for it are about a dozen small villages and 45 square miles. A re-evaluation is necessary. 

There are also reports now coming in that Russia has launched a major offense in the northeastern part of the country. If true, Ukraine will need to draw on their reserves to counter it, thereby depriving men and equipment for their southern counteroffensive.

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