Mr Bohlin (pictured) not only warned the Swedes about the real chance that Sweden is facing the possibility of war but also asked citizens to be prepared and aware that it is something that can really happen. ©Provided by The Daily Digest
* Minister urged Swedish citizens to ask themselves 'who are you if war comes?'
* Comes as Zelensky said allies must 'finish' Putin to avoid destruction of Ukraine
Sweden's civil defence minister has warned his country could soon face the prospect of war and urged citizens to join voluntary defence organisations in preparation for a potential armed conflict.
In a rousing speech that took note of his country's hotly anticipated accession to NATO this year and ongoing Russian aggression in Ukraine, Carl-Oskar Bohlin called on ordinary citizens to ask themselves 'who are you if war comes?'.
Speaking at Sweden's annual 'Folk och Försvar' (Society and Defence) conference in Sälen this past weekend, the minister said: 'It is human to want to view life as you wish it was, rather than as it actually is.
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WNU Editor: Its all about getting a bigger defense budget and more weapons .... Sweden 'must make more weapons' as defence chief warns citizens to prepare for war (Express).
Update: After this warning there was panic .... Sweden's defense ministry warning to brace for 'war' sends public into panic (FOX News). More here .... Sweden’s Gen Z overwhelm helpline after country told ‘there could be war’ (The Telegraph).
Swedish Civil Defense Minister Tells Citizens To Prepare For War
Sweden must brace for war, claims top official in push for greater defence spending -- The Independent
Sweden Issues Ominous Warning to Citizens - NATO -- Newsweek
Sweden issues warning to 'brace for war' as defence minister urges citizens to 'move' -- GBN
Sweden states all citizens must be prepared for war -- RBC Ukraine
Swedish alarm after defence chiefs' war warning -- BBC
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